In my home we have banned all things dairy. That means no regular ice cream, no cow’s milk with our cereal, and absolutely no mac and cheese for the littles. Don’t get me wrong, we love cheese. If I could eat it every day I would. But after suffering from terrible hormonal breakouts on my jaw line for a year straight I had to reevaluate my diet. I found that dairy was the main culprit in these constantly painful flare-ups on my skin. I also found that large amounts of caffeine and ...
What Exactly Is Spirituality?
Spirituality is how a person finds and communicates self-meaning and purpose. To nourish your spirit is to find a way to connect to yourself, to others, to nature, to the present moment and to the significant or sacred. There are great deals of people that find solace in one or more deity or God. Many people may call their sacred authority God, Yahweh, Allah, The Universe, Mother Nature, Gaea, the list could go on forever. A great portion of people find being associated with a church, ...
What Is My Favorite Way To Manifest Positive Energy?
Our everyday lives are filled with many twists, turns and surprises that it may seem like we are often times riding on a metaphorical roller coaster. There are times of joy, and times of depression. There are times of stress and anxiety and times where there is drama and you consider submitting your life story to a scriptwriter to perhaps be considered for a spot on The Lifetime Channel. We laugh, we cry and we move on. Pieces of our past stay within us, sometimes buried deep down inside our ...
When and Where Can I Manifest Positive Energy?
This was a question I asked myself numerous of times as I was developing in my spirituality. It took many years of soul searching, studying, and mental exercise. Finally, I was spiritually enlightened and the answer was so simple, I couldn’t believe I made it out to be such a complicated aspect for most of my life. In my previous post “What Is My Favorite Way To Manifest Positive Energy?” I explain that I choose prayer as my means to connect with whom I view as my Higher Power. So in this ...
My Acne Journey: How I Was Led To Treat My Acne Naturally
I began experiencing breakouts on my face around the age of thirteen years old. I remember my first pimple was on my chin and I had no idea what it was. It was right before my piano recital and my step-dad tried to wipe it off thinking it was a crumb, but it wouldn’t budge. Little did I know that would be the beginning of my very long, excruciating journey with troubled skin. My mom suffered from severe acne. She had it since I could remember. When I was little I remember innocently using it ...
8 Undeniable Reasons Why You Need Goji Berries In your Life
Goji berries are, in my opinion, a secret gold and the world’s best-kept secret amongst all nutrient dense berries. If you are hearing about this fruit for the first time, it may have an odd ring to its name. Believe me, as you get more acquainted with the goji berries amazing capabilities, you will wonder haw you ever lived life without it! The Goji Berry History The Goji berry also goes by the name “Wolfberry”. It is the fruit of the Lycium barbarum, which grows in a tall and slim shrub ...
How To Mommy Meditate and Release Tension Through Dance!
I invite you to meditate with me and join me in my morning stretches while my kids play at the park in the background. After our morning stretches we will proceed to a free spirit dance where we will manifest positive energy, release tension whilst breathing in natures fresh air. Mediation is necessary for a healthy mind and spirit. As a stay at home mom, meditation can aid in releasing the negative energy and stress that may build up after a long day of taking care of the kids and ...
A Healthy Habit I Just Can’t Give Up As A Happy Stay At Home Mom
This stay at home mom is feeling a bit stressed out this week... This week has been a bit overwhelming for me as a stay at home mom. 'Overwhelming' is my most tactful way of describing how I almost lost my marbles. I've had my share of bad days but these past few days had me contemplating the strength of my patience and sanity all over again. Big Girl is potty training right now and, as most mothers who have gone through the ever-so-delightful experience of potty training a two ...
Mommy Meditation, Yoga, and Dance At The Park
All moms, stay at home moms, working mommy: You are welcome to join me in meditating at the park! We will connect with our spiritual side, our spiritual world and meditate through yoga and deep, cleansing breaths. We will contemplate our internal road blocks and release negative energy. Yoga at the park exercising breathing fresh air will raise our frequency and bring us health and happiness. We will then move forward in a tension releasing creative dance. We will let our spirit take ...
How To Get Rid Of Bad Friends
In this video I list out the top negative people in your life that you need to be aware of. Is your energy feeling low lately? Do you have less tolerance at home with your family? Have you been feeling unmotivated and negative about your goals? It may be time to take a close look at the friends you have in your circle. It is said that you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. What types of friends/family are you hanging out with? Are they a positive or ...