You are missing out if you aren’t purchasing these items at your asian grocery store
Today I am showing you all of the yummy foods, snacks, ingredients and desserts that I purchased at my local oriental store here in Orlando, Florida.
With my ethnicity being half Filipina and half African American- I love, love, LOVE going to the Asian supermarket close to my house once a month to stock up on bulk items of my must have goodies. From various noodles, lumpia wrappers, monggo (mung) beans to sweet and fluffy filipino bakery desserts, my local Asian grocery supermarket is my number one place to go.
The best part is that in this video I not only show you what I usually pick up from my oriental store shopping trips but I also explain what I use each ingredient for and how I use it.
I hope this video inspires you to take a trip to your local Asian grocery supermarket and try some items out that you might have never tried before.
I thank you so very much for your patience and for sticking it through my video despite the sound.
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