The Benefits of Being A Stay At Home Mom I’m just going to be totally honest and upfront about this. Being a full time stay at home mom is totally worth it. The benefits far outweigh the cons. Now, I’m not saying it is easy. Taking up the responsibility of caring for your children full time from home is a job and it is tough. If you haven’t already, I suggest you read here where I list out and explain my Top Ten Cons of Being A Stay at Home Mom first. But if you are reading ...
african american stay at home moms
The Must Have Items To Purchase At An Asian Supermarket
You are missing out if you aren't purchasing these items at your asian grocery store Today I am showing you all of the yummy foods, snacks, ingredients and desserts that I purchased at my local oriental store here in Orlando, Florida. With my ethnicity being half Filipina and half African American- I love, love, LOVE going to the Asian supermarket close to my house once a month to stock up on bulk items of my must have goodies. From various noodles, lumpia wrappers, monggo (mung) beans ...
Being A Stay At Home Mom Is Doing God’s Will
I did it. I finally did it. My very first podcast has been completed and now it can be found on iTunes and my YouTube channel. I have also included the podcast below so you can take a listen to it right from this page. So before you give it a listen, let me tell you a little about what this episode of my podcast entails and what drove me to record it. Where Is The Christian SAHM Support? First and foremost, this podcast is geared strictly for the Christian stay at ...