Preparing For A Third C-Section
For my third pregnancy I was convinced I would have to have a third csection procedure. My first two pregnancies resulted in c-sections (emergency & scheduled), so I had an idea that I would have to deliver my third child through schedule c-section surgery as well.
And I was basically right. Most doctors won’t support a woman who has had a csection in the past to try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), let alone a woman who has had multiple csections.
No VBAC Support From My OBGYN
So when I asked my OBGYN if a VBAC would be something I was able to try for, I was not surprised when he shot my question with a cold and stern, NO.
I never would have asked if it wasn’t for the overwhelming amount of testimonies from multitude of women sharing how they were able to achieve successful vaginal births after cesarean, and after multiple cesareans as well.
Since my OBGYN said no, my hopes drained away and I began to prepare my mind for a schdueled csection for my third child.
“No biggie,” I thought to myself, “I’ve done this before.”
An Opportunity For A Trial of Labor
But when I went into the hospital a few weeks before my due date to schedule my cesection date and time, I was offered the opportunity to try for a VBAC by the hospital Doctors and Midwives.
I was in utter shock.
I literally burst into tears right there.
I had no idea a VBAC was something I would have a chance at even attempting since my OBGYN denied me on the spot when I asked him.
The Doctor at the hospital stated that my OBGYN was not the doctor who was going to deliver my baby or preform the c-section. I was informed that my OBGYN was only going to refer me to the hospital and send over my information from my entire pregnancy.
As soon as I found this out, I was ecstatic to know that I was going to have another chance at pushing my baby out vaginally.
Trial of Labor Turned C-Section
Now, I will go into detail about my “failed” VBAC or TOLAC (trial of labor) in another video and post but today I want to share with you what I found to be essential when packing my hospital bag for my c-section stay.
The items on this list are applicable for a VBAC, TOLAC or a scheduled c-section surgery hospital stay. These are the bare essentials in my experience on what you should bring.

Watch this video where I share with you everything I packed in my hospital bag for my entire family (myself, my husband, my children, and our newborn baby).
I invite you to download my free C-section Hospital Bag Checklist. It is a list I put together of the bare essentials that I believe you will need for your c-section hospital bag.
TOLAC, VBAC, C-Section Encouragement
Whatever your means of delivery for your baby, I pray that your delivery is a safe one for both you and baby. Remember, healthy mom and baby are most important, regardless of how delivery ends up to be.
And you have every right to mourn the idea of having a vaginal birth, if you weren’t able to successfully have a VBAC or try for a trial of labor. That is okay, too. I will talk more about this in a later post.
But don’t let how your baby was born take away from the joy of having your Heaven sent angel in your life.
God bless you and your beautiful delivery journey.