The Benefits of Being A Stay At Home Mom I’m just going to be totally honest and upfront about this. Being a full time stay at home mom is totally worth it. The benefits far outweigh the cons. Now, I’m not saying it is easy. Taking up the responsibility of caring for your children full time from home is a job and it is tough. If you haven’t already, I suggest you read here where I list out and explain my Top Ten Cons of Being A Stay at Home Mom first. But if you are reading ...
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The Top 10 Cons of Being A Stay at Home Mom
What Is It Like Being A Stay at Home Mom? I often get questions from women who ask me what being a full time stay-at-home-mom is like. These women are either friends of mine who are working outside of the home and are considering becoming a stay at home mom, women who have no clue what I do while at home with the kids all day and are curious, or simply strangers on the internet who send me messages or emails after stumbling upon one of my videos on YouTube or social media posts ...