This stay at home mom is feeling a bit stressed out this week…
This week has been a bit overwhelming for me as a stay at home mom.
‘Overwhelming’ is my most tactful way of describing how I almost lost my marbles. I’ve had my share of bad days but these past few days had me contemplating the strength of my patience and sanity all over again.
Big Girl is potty training right now and, as most mothers who have gone through the ever-so-delightful experience of potty training a two year old, it isn’t quite exactly a cup of tea in the late afternoon.
It’s more like chasing down a run away toddler with poop all over their legs, fearing that it will get on more surfaces in the home.
Now imagine me chasing that toddler around the home while simultaneously breastfeeding a one year old who should be weening off of the boob but is putting up a pretty good fight. I actually admire how powerful Little One’s personality is for someone who barely has any teeth. She is uncompromising when it comes to her breast milk and has enough strength to mightily block any of my attempts at separating her from said boob.
Yeah, it’s been a pretty tough week for this momma.
Although I do love being a SAHM and would never trade it in for anything in this world, it does have its times when it can be almost too much to bear. With that being said, bearing it when it gets to a point like this is always worth it to me.
So today I was dragging through my regular mommy morning routine, (you know, the brushing o f the teeth’s, the feeding and clothing of the little people), when I remembered one of my healthy habits I used to do to regain my sanity when I had my mommy mental meltdown a few months back. I usually keep up with this habit every other day but realized I hadn’t allowed myself to do this all week. No wonder why I was feeling so stressed out!
I immediately packed up the little people in our SUV, along with a few snacks and a couple of books to read, and headed straight to the park right after we had breakfast.
I didn’t really feel like being out in the sun but I knew it was something that I needed to do.
What is this healthy habit that keeps me happy as a stay at home mommy, you might ask?
I wouldn’t say that just one specific thing I do keeps me happy as a mother. It’s more of a collection of actions that I’ve developed into habits. These healthy, happy mommy habits are what helped me bounce back from the severe bout of depression I experienced not too long ago. Thank goodness for that experience because it has helped me regain my sanity as a mother and wife a lot quicker when I go through these times of feeling overwhelmed. You can find the 10 ways I overcame depression and regained my sanity as a stay at home mom here.
But I will say that there is one action that has an almost immediate effect on my mood.
This would be would be to go outside, breath some fresh air and indulge in some outdoor yoga.
I recommend this to any mother who is in need of releasing the tension and stress of raising children of any age while keeping the home life together.
Is Yoga The Only Way To Relieve Stress Outdoors As A Stay At Home Mom?
No, not at all.
There are plenty of ways to maximize your time under the sun and get your blood moving to build up your outdoor healthy happy mom habit.
One of the many ways you can do this is through stress relieving dance. While most mothers aren’t comfortable doing this in public, you do have the option to perform your stellar moves in the backyard. I felt silly doing this at first, but soon realized how freeing it felt to sway my limbs in ways I normally wouldn’t if I just spent the day cooped up indoors.
Or you can simply do some floor stretches under the shade of a tree while your little ones fiddle with their toys by your side. Even just reading a good book and taking the time to focus on your breath while you sit off to the side of the playground and watch your children play is enough to regain your stay at home mom sanity almost immediately.
I brought my camera and tripod along with me to the park today so I could record my outdoor vinyasa yoga stretches for you to see. Maybe you can take note of some of the moves I do and implement them into your own physical activity. Hopefully, I can serve as inspiration to those stay-at-home-moms who need a little push to go outdoors, breath some fresh air and get their body moving.
Trust me, it helps.
I will be recording my mommy yoga routine for you all to see a lot more often. This one healthy habit (out of many other healthy healthy habits) has helped keep me happy as a stay at home mom. I hope it helps you as much as it helps me.
Comment below and let me know a healthy habit that you do that keeps you happy and sane as a stay at home mother and wife? If you enjoyed the video, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave a comment letting me know that you enjoyed watching it. Just those three little actions not only mean the world to me, it let’s me know to keep making content just like this for all of you beautiful mommies out there.
Cheers to all the moms out there building the healthy habits to maintain their happiness and #MomWifeLifeBalance.
You are #MommyPhenomenal.
With Love,
Keri Kavali