This stay at home mom is feeling a bit stressed out this week... This week has been a bit overwhelming for me as a stay at home mom. 'Overwhelming' is my most tactful way of describing how I almost lost my marbles. I've had my share of bad days but these past few days had me contemplating the strength of my patience and sanity all over again. Big Girl is potty training right now and, as most mothers who have gone through the ever-so-delightful experience of potty training a two ...
Wholistic Wellness
Mommy Meditation, Yoga, and Dance At The Park
All moms, stay at home moms, working mommy: You are welcome to join me in meditating at the park! We will connect with our spiritual side, our spiritual world and meditate through yoga and deep, cleansing breaths. We will contemplate our internal road blocks and release negative energy. Yoga at the park exercising breathing fresh air will raise our frequency and bring us health and happiness. We will then move forward in a tension releasing creative dance. We will let our spirit take ...