Spirituality is how a person finds and communicates self-meaning and purpose. To nourish your spirit is to find a way to connect to yourself, to others, to nature, to the present moment and to the significant or sacred. There are great deals of people that find solace in one or more deity or God. Many people may call their sacred authority God, Yahweh, Allah, The Universe, Mother Nature, Gaea, the list could go on forever.
A great portion of people find being associated with a church, temple, mosque or synagogue brings them satisfaction and links them to a community in their spiritual life. There are tons of religions that people create a community in for the sake of their spiritual beliefs. There is Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Universalism and so many more. Others may prefer a personal relationship with whom they deem as their higher power without the restraints and classification of religion. Some prefer to focus strictly on the spiritual aspect without the sacred personification. Others find their meaning through nature or art. Then there are those who don’t believe in anything at all.
One thing we can all agree on is that there is a positive and negative energy force in and all around us.
Meditation, prayer, positive affirmation, introspection, reflection, worship, or rumination all are words describing how one might connect to their higher power or spirit. All of which are in line with each person’s regimen to maintain his or her life energy.
This life energy may also go by the name ch’i, prana, spirit or soul. Life energy is the energy that is present in living things. The goal for the majority of us is to maintain positive life energy since it correlates with emotionaland physical wellbeing.
It can also play a large part in manifesting our objectives in life. It is said that the universe will give you what you want if you just ask. But sometimes it will give us what we don’t want even if we don’t ask just by the simple thoughts we allow ourselves to think. That is why it is recommended to manage and control the thoughts we have because they are very powerful.
Like your sense of purpose, your personal definition of spirituality may change throughout your life, adapting to your own experiences and relationships.
I hope this helps in informing you on what spirituality is and stay tuned because I will be going in depth with my take and advice on this area of balance and wellness.
Keri Kavali