Our everyday lives are filled with many twists, turns and surprises that it may seem like we are often times riding on a metaphorical roller coaster. There are times of joy, and times of depression. There are times of stress and anxiety and times where there is drama and you consider submitting your life story to a scriptwriter to perhaps be considered for a spot on The Lifetime Channel. We laugh, we cry and we move on. Pieces of our past stay within us, sometimes buried deep down inside our souls in which we may display remnants of our history subconsciously. Other memories come and go with no weight to our behavior, like the wind.
Right now, in this millennium, there has been a large focus on health and wellness. This is awesome because there are tons of people spreading the word on the benefits of living healthy, changing our diets and how fun and exciting it can be. We live in an era where technology is flourishing and the amount of platforms to share this information (either via social media, internet, phone apps, etc) are numerous. We no longer are confined to depending on what is provided to us by the media, which may or may not have our best interests.
Since health and fitness is becoming a main focus for the majority of people in this world, it is becoming apparent that if you feel good on the inside it will show on the outside.
But it’s not only about what you eat and working out.
Physical health is very important but you must also consider the weight of nurturing your spiritual health, as well. Our spiritual health correlates with our mental health which links to our physical health. Have you ever been so angry that you began to have a headache? Thinking angry thoughts can do that to you. Ever heard of people dying from a broken heart? Well, it is possible, you really can. Our minds have unlimited power and we can cause physical illness just by the thoughts we allow to run through us constantly. This is why being mindful of our spiritual health is very important.
There are many ways to nurture your spiritual side of your being. You can exercise meditation, speaking positive affirmations, training your thoughts, or giving to those in need (which caters to your karma). There are so many more options for growing, connecting and nourishing your spirituality but today I will speak very lightly on one way, which also happens to be my preferred way, of manifesting positive energy.
My favorite way to manifest positive energy is through prayer.
I love to speak to God directly and very thoroughly about what is in my heart. If you read my previous post “What Exactly Is Spirituality?” you will know that everyone may
have different views on who God is. I respect that. That blog post explains the differences in perspectives on religion, spirituality and preferences in connecting to one’s higher power.
On this page, and in my world, we do not condemn anyone for his or her beliefs or practices… or lack thereof. I believe what I believe and others believe what they do and I think we can learn from one another and share our thoughts respectfully and positively.
I believe no one on this earth will know the whole truth of the mystery of The Universe.
Furthermore, I don’t think it is meant for us to know all completely.
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Prayer allows me to get everything off of my chest that weighs me down heavily. My heart always feel lighter once I let everything out to God. Prayer is how I give thanks to The Universe for all of my blessings and what is provided to me.
Even if you were Atheist you can still believe in being thankful for what you have. It is how you measure how good you have it compared to how bad it could be.
And The Universe has a funny way of recognizing how thankful you are and magnetizes what you want towards you almost in award for your gratitude.
I am not a perfect prayer. I don’t pray every single night. Sometimes I forget.
Or I’m so exhausted from chasing the kids around the house and managing the chores while cooking dinner, that all I can do is lie in bed and whisper a short “Protect my family, Lord” before I pass out.
But for the most days I do, and when I do I always find myself saying more than I planned. It’s almost like therapy through an active/verbal meditation.
‘”Prayer helps me stay sane as a mother and wife”
God gives me guidance through the enlightenment he gives me. He speaks to me, advises me, and assists me in my discernment.
I believe He (or She, or It…However you see God) protects my family when I pray over them. I believe He gives me the strength to endure every up and down and twist and turn that life throws my way. I believe in referring to The Bible when times get tough because, oddly enough, every single passage in it can relate and be applied the issues of today.
I believe in going to church.
I may not go every Sunday (Sorry Mom!) but when I can, I go.
See, I am a Christian.
But I call myself an
“Imperfect Open Minded Christian”.
I live my spiritual life different from others. I don’t rely on what a church tells me to do or what another person tells me to believe (trust me, been there and done that but that’s for a whole other post).
Because they are not God.
I do not answer to anyone but Him. I am open to conversing with those of other religions and I wouldn’t judge because I have no clue who has the whole thing right. I just know what is in my heart and what my foundation is. And I make an effort everyday to adhere to my relationship with whom I deem is my Higher Power.
My favorite way of manifesting positive energy is through prayer. What is yours?
Keri Kavali