This was a question I asked myself numerous of times as I was developing in my spirituality. It took many years of soul searching, studying, and mental exercise. Finally, I was spiritually enlightened and the answer was so simple, I couldn’t believe I made it out to be such a complicated aspect for most of my life.
In my previous post “What Is My Favorite Way To Manifest Positive Energy?” I explain that I choose prayer as my means to connect with whom I view as my Higher Power. So in this blog post, and the many more that I will be providing in the future concerning this topic, I will refer to the act of prayer but you can substitute it with any other word that best describes your preferred practice such as meditation, chanting, or rumination. Also, in my blog post titled“What Exactly Is Spirituality” I list out a few ways of connecting to one’s spiritual side and/or high power, the many types of religions and practices, and much more information of the spiritual beginner .
I’m going to start off by saying a good time to manifest positive energy is anytime. In addition, a good place to do it is anywhere, honestly.
I know most people pray once in the morning, once before they go to bed and right before meals. That is a really great foundation to go by. Prayer doesn’t have to be a long-winded, formal session. Prayer also doesn’t have to be in a specific place either. It can be quick, simple and straight to the point. If you find that you are in a rush to get out the door before work and you did not give yourself enough time to stop in your tracks and focus on Him (whoever He may be to you), solely (which a lot of us may struggle with), then by all means, pray while you are on the move! God, (whoever He is to you), is very understanding, non-judgmental and ever forgiving. He just wants us to talk to Him, share with Him, and of course it doesn’t hurt to include how much you appreciate Him!
Taking a shower? Tell Him how thankful you are to have woken up that morning and how you pray He guides you and protects you throughout your day at work. Grabbed a bagel on the way out the house? Whisper a “Thank you Lord for the food and nutrients” before your first bite. Trust me, He hears you. In my experience, the best time to speak to God is while I’m driving to and from my destinations. I thank Him for protecting me as I slept the night before, I ask Him to protect me during my commute to and from, I pray for my family, and then give Him thanks for all that He does for me (i.e. the air that I breath, the food that I eat, I give Him thanks for the car working in great condition and for my husband’s job to pay for our family’s bills).
Have you ever felt like you really needed to talk to someone but couldn’t get anyone to answer the phone? It’s a pretty lonely feeling, isn’t it? I remember a time when I tried to call my mom, my husband, my best friend, and sister-in-law and no one answered my calls. I just needed someone to talk to about my day. At first, I was hurt. I was thinking to myself, “No one loves me. These people don’t care about me.” No, I don’t think the world revolves around me, I understand people have other things going on in their lives than to stand by the phone and wait for my call. But, honestly, I am an imperfect human being with tendencies to have natural emotions and thoughts flow through me depending on my situations. I embrace that. It’s what you do after you have those thoughts that determine your mental/emotional strength and self control.
I just wanted to talk to someone, even if it wasn’t about anything in particular. Then it came to me, I am not totally alone! I can always talk to God. When no one else is picking up the phone, He is always ready to answer. The best part was that not only did I know that he wasn’t going to blab about what I told Him to someone else but also that through me speaking to Him, He would always speak back to me. I call that “enlightenment”.
Prior to becoming a stay at home mom, there was a time when I opened up to The Lord about a difficult co-worker. It was during a car ride home from work and again, I had no one to talk to. I explained to him about her condescending her tone when she spoke to me; how it offended me and made me feel uncomfortable at work. I let all of my frustration out to Him to a point where I was shaking because I was so caught up in my emotions. It was as if I was actually speaking to someone sitting right next to me in my car!
After I let it all out I felt calm and a little voice in my head told me to consider that perhaps she dealt with some kind of abuse growing up. Maybe she was bullied or was going through a divorce or had an illness in the family. Maybe I reminded her of someone that had wronged her from the past. The possibilities were endless. I noticed she was very rough with other people, not only me, and I realized she might be battling some of her own demons. At that point, I reasoned with her in my own mind and had a different outlook on our work relationship. I received her differently moving forward and we actually ended up building a close friendship in the work place.
Anyways, my point is, you can be as casual as you would like when praying or speaking to God (with, of course, some level of respect). Trust me when I say, He is just happy you are sharing with Him! Take the time to imagine a close friend, a parent, or relative who lives very distant from you. It doesn’t matter what time of the day or night you call, or how short, long, or random your conversation is. It doesn’t matter if you have to call them back because you have another call or have something that popped up while you were talking. That person is always happy to hear your voice and is always willing to listen, comfort you and give you their perspective on the situation. That is unconditional love.
So feel free to fit in prayer while sitting in the drive through line at your nearest coffee shop or while you go for a stroll around your neighborhood with the kids.
He’s there and He is always ready to listen.
Keri Kavali