Goji berries are, in my opinion, a secret gold and the world’s best-kept secret amongst all nutrient dense berries. If you are hearing about this fruit for the first time, it may have an odd ring to its name. Believe me, as you get more acquainted with the goji berries amazing capabilities, you will wonder haw you ever lived life without it!
The Goji Berry History
The Goji berry also goes by the name “Wolfberry”. It is the fruit of the Lycium barbarum, which grows in a tall and slim shrub native to China. These shrubs can also be found in the Himalayan regions and tracing to Tibet, Nepal, and Mongolia. This berry had been used for many centuries as a food source and a heavily applied medicinal component.
8 Facts About The Goji Berry
Allow me to introduce you to the wonderful, flavorful goji berry super fruit and list for you 8 mind blowing benefits of it’s consumption.
1.) Fights Cancer Cells
With the copious amount of nutrients within the goji berry make up, it is no wonder why this super fruit is known to prevent and fight colds and diseases like cancer.
The high levels of carotenoids (like zeaxathin, which can be found in vitamin C) allow for the goji berry nutrients to battle cancerous cells, lower inflammatory cytokine levels, decrease tumor growth and detoxify the body of harmful toxins.
These benefits promote anti-tumor/antioxidant activities in the brain, reproductive organs, digestive tract and liver. It also is known to fight skin cancer!
2.) Detoxifies The Liver
The accumulation of toxins in your liver can be one of the reasons for constant fatigue and overall failing health. Our toxins are released through urine, sweat and stool. The liver is the body’s prime site for detoxification activity.
Once you detoxify your liver you allow for:
- The increase of intake of specific nutrients
- Lowering your ingested allergens and toxins
- Increased bowel movements (faster elimination of toxins
- Increase the alkalinity in your body.
3.) Boost Fertility
Based off of the Chinese traditional belief, Goji berries are known to provide benefits to the reproductive system.
Goji berries are said to increase sperm count and sperm vitality. These super fruit berries also treat female infertility with pre-mature ovarian failure and the ability to ovulate normally.
4.) Stabilizes Blood Sugar
The naturally sweet berries are said to stabilize blood sugar from a few studies done on diabetic rabbits and rats. After a 10-day treatment the total cholesterol, blood glucose, and triglyceride levels were lower and there was an increase in HDL cholesterol levels. The rats also lost weight after their three-week trial.
Which leads to the testament given from many people that the goji berry assists in weight control and loss.
5.) High Levels of Antioxidants and Nutrients
Goji berries contain protein, vitamin A and C, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, copper, and selenium along with many unnamed antioxidants.
Vitamin C reduces the process of aging as well as the risk of cancer and heart disease by defending your body against free radicals.
The production of collagen makes skin, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels healthy.
Iron deficiency can cause anemia, which causes dizziness, weight loss, tiredness and shortness of breath.
This excellent source of nutrients and antioxidants are why the goji berries carry a valuable reputation in …
6.) Protecting Eye Health
Goji berries are said to help improve vision. Eating foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin can prevent the loss of macular pigment. The goal is to eat more foods rich in yellow pigments, which will build stronger protection for your eyes.
Goji berries are high in carotenoids and beta-carotene, which absorb blue light and protect the delicate retinal area of the eye. Beta-Carotene is converted to vitamin A, which improves vision. Vitamin A is also essential for the maintenance of the rods and cone cells in the eye.
7.) Improve Immune Function
Now I won’t go into too much detail here because from the information provided in #5 of this list because it is apparent that the numerous nutrients in the goji berry assist in preventing illnesses like the common cold.
What I will add is that it not only fights disease and manages weight but the goji berry also aids in better digestion and bowel functions.
Which leads me to my last benefit listed…
8.) Boosts Mood and Energy
A vital benefit of adding the goji berry to your daily dietary intake is a happier, more energetic you. Our mood is greatly affected by the foods we place into our bodies. With all of the nutrients and antioxidants, you are bound
to experience high energy levels, greater athletic performance (in and outside of the bed), better quality of sleep, and mental clarity.
Your skin will be glowing from the vitamin A and C, you will feel amazing, you will begin to lose weight all while noticing an increase in your natural energy. It is no wonder why you will feel happier!
If you’ve made it to the end of this blog post, congrats you got as much information as I could provide on the goji berry without completely boring you and losing your attention. I’m so happy I was able to properly introduce you to one of my favorite must haves in my daily diet. I cannot live without these super fruit berries.
How I Eat Goji Berries
I love including goji berries in my daily diet sprinkled in my morning “Soup of Life” (which I will be posting about very soon) and in my hot teas. I also incorporate the goji berries in my pancakes and homemade healthy cookies for an added nutritive kick. You can eat them whole from hand to mouth or sprinkle them in your cereal, yogurt, or oatmeal.
The taste is sweet with a slight bitter tinge at the end of the tongue that you will soon get used to. I would like to add that if you do soak them in your tea or soup, they tend to plump up and become chewy which has a nice mouth feel. I will be posting my homemade recipes that I include goji berries in, soon and a surprising way I use itoutside of the kitchen, as well. Stay Tuned!