Have you heard that today is National Make Life Beautiful Day?
Which falls on June 11th of every year.
Well, if you haven’t heard of it until now then let me be the first to wish you a Happy National Life is Beautiful Day, today.
Everyday is worth celebrating the beauty of life, but today we take a moment to really celebrate and appreciate life itself, through all of its glorious imperfections.
Life is imperfect, right?
Nothing in life is perfect. Whether it be your life, my life, the neighbors next door’s life, your favorite celebrity’s life, The President of The United States personal life, or even (believe it or not) the leader of your local PTA’s life.
No one’s life is perfect.
I love that Mark Chernoff ‘s 7 Brutal Life Lessons That Ultimately Make Life Beautiful, because it is a simple reminder that everyone is dealing with some kind of issue of one kind or another, whether it is emotional, mental, physical or spiritual. With that being said, these lessons, although at the time seem brutal, have a way of conditioning us to grow stronger and wiser. This strength and wisdom, in turn, allows us to transform what may be an ugly situation to a beautiful life lesson.
It may seem like someone’s life may be just about perfect, from all of the smiles they may post on social media and what these people present to us but real life is what goes on behind closed doors. Real life is what goes on in the spaces of our existence where not many people are able to witness.
And that it okay.
Not everything is meant to be shared with the world.
We will always have our trials and tribulations, our tests and testimonies. The trick is to take every downfall, every set back, every negative experience and try our best to find the glimmer of light that can shine through it.
The silver lining of the situation.
This is the secret to making life beautiful.
See, it isn’t always going to be rainbows and sunshine.
There will be cloudy days and thunderstorms.
The trick is to not get down about getting caught in the rain but to embrace dancing under the downpour.
Everyday is a beautiful day to be alive.
Despite what may bring us down.
We have the power to control our happiness. We have the power to control what we focus on and what we allow to drain our positive energy.
Actually, I have a situation going on currently within my life that begs for proper attention but I refuse to focus on it because it has brought tons of negative energy into my life.
I’ve decided to choose against focusing on it, for now.
Not to say ignoring an issue is the answer, but it is okay to choose to handle it later (if it is something that can wait).
Making life beautiful is quite easy, even when it’s not.
Check out LifeHack’s Live A Beautiful Life In 10 Easy Steps written by Paula Lawes-you will finish reading it feeling super motivated and inspired for change and transformation. Number 5 has got to be my favorite step. Once I started doing it, I not only felt good inside immediately, I reaped the rewards karmically. The Universe knows when you are manifesting positive energy. Always be aware of that.
Long wait in the drive through?
Take the time to chat with whoever is in the car with you, send a thoughtful text to a few buddies you haven’t heard from, research some dinner recipes on the internet on your phone, or just scan the radio for songs that you haven’t heard in ages.
Lost your job?
Sounds like The Universe (God) might be giving you the push in another direction that you weren’t going to take on your own. Be excited for where He is leading you in life.
Having car troubles?
Thank goodness for modern day technological advancement so that companies like Uber and Lyft can assist you in a matter of minutes. This might also be a time for accepting the learning lessons of life whether it is keeping up with preventative maintenance, investing in better quality equipment or to not buy cheap from seedy car lots anymore.
Are you looking for ways to celebrate National Make Life Beautiful Day today?
Liftable has listed 5 Best Ways To Observe National Making Life Beautiful Day written by Cillian Zeal, that I thought were interesting and easy to try immediately.
National Make Life Beautiful Day isn’t about simply focusing on all that is good in our every days lives, although it is something to celebrate and be thankful for. It is also about taking the not-so-beautiful parts of each day and finding the beauty within it. Let’s take the negative, and unappealing and make it beautiful.
It all begins with our mindset and then depends on action.
Until Next Time, Beautiful People.